What is Mevlevihane ? Which Mevlevihane are there in Istanbul ?

The lodges of the Mevlevi order are referred to as Mevlevihane.

Sultan Veled, the son of Mevlânâ Celâleddin Rûmi, founded it in the thirteenth century. Mevlevîs from the Mevlevî order, who were influenced by his beliefs, practice dhikr and devran rites inside this lodge. Mevlevihane at Konya, the order’s center, was the biggest of the Mevlevihanes.

Mevlevihanes were typically designed as complexes, with the cemetery, tomb, Meydan-ı Şerif, and masjid arranged around the semahane in the center.

Istanbul, Manisa, and Gallipoli are the other places known to have Mevlevihanes after Konya, where they were born of Mevleviism. Istanbul is home to a sizable Mevlevihane population. These were referred to by their place names, namely Galata, Yenikapı, Üsküdar, and Kasımpaşa. Mevlevihanes differed slightly from other orders’ lodges. The following is a list of Istanbul’s largest known Mevlevihanes;

  • Galata Mevlevihanesi
    Today, it operates as a museum under the name of Galata Mevlevihanesi Museum. Built in 1491 by İskender Pasha and the first Mevlevihane in the city, Galata Mevlevihane’s first sheikh was Semâî Mehmed Dede.
  • Yenikapı Mevlevihanesi
    It was founded in the 16th century. It was built as the second mevlevihane of Istanbul one hundred years after the Galata Mevlevihane. It is the largest Mevlevihane in the city in terms of main structure and land, and is one of the most important examples of the group called acidane in tekke architecture.
  • Kasımpaşa Mevlevihanesi
    Founded in the 17th century in the Kasımpaşa neighbourhood of Istanbul.
  • Üsküdar Mevlevihanesi
    It was founded by Sultanzâde Halil Nûman Dede Bey in 1792 or 1793. Unlike the other Mevlevîhânes in Istanbul, it was designed especially for the accommodation of dervishes travelling from the provinces to Istanbul or from Istanbul to Anatolia.
  • Bahariye Mevlevihanesi
    Beşiktaş Mevlevihane was built by Ottoman Grand Vizier Ohrili Hüseyin Pasha in 1613 as the fourth Mevlevihane in the city, following Galata Mevlevihane, Kasımpaşa Mevlevihane and Yenikapı Mevlevihane. Its first sheikh was Ağazâde Mehmed Dede.

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Some places where you can watch a sema show in Istanbul are listed below.